Ain't No Waffle House Baby Hell I Can't Eat

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Picayune background: Speaking of "a pattern of toxic behavior," Erick Erickson has survived his own repeated attempted cancellations, over, for example, his vow to use a shotgun to murder US census takers for the law-breaking of knocking on his door, thanks in large part to other conservatives, about of whom do not like him and take never considered him a useful marry, for taking a stance based entirely on principle that people ought not be cancelled for intemperate outbursts.

Once again, nosotros took this stance based entirely on the principle that no one should lose a job over some unguarded moment of unwise speech, and not based at all on political calculations (he'southward a decidedly poor recruiter for the cause) or personal regard (few like him).

Simply he, like David French, is always upward for a good vindictive cancellation of his own political enemies. "Principle" is something to bloviate almost on Sundays while ignoring Monday through Saturday.

And then he'll tell you how principled he is as he gleefully attempts to steal someone's livelihood. Or a he calls for some new sudden hated enemy to be murdered.

Calling for the killing of those he is momentarily annoyed at is just somewhere his highly moral listen but tends to become.

If only all of us could have lived such perfect lives of Simon Pure public speech, Erick. If only all of us, like yous, were so cautious with our every public utterance we had no need of the agreement or allowance or forgiveness of others regarding our more colorful outbursts.

Not surprised that he and Noted Pharisee David French should discover themselves to exist and so sympatico.

Then much pity, clemency, temperance, and grace on brandish.

God save usa all.

The candidate that David French supported for President has officially fallen below Donald Trump'southward job approval rating for this day of his presidency:

Screenshot (1426).png

And what exercise you know, conveniently enough, the Deep State dials upward a Narrative Disrupting Strike on an ISIS leader we didn't previously know about and killed him. Well, him and six children and four women. Well, they're claiming the terrorist killed the six children and four women.

But who knows? Maybe it wasn't the all-time time to attempt to accept this guy. Possibly the timing was dictated by... domestic political considerations.

Jordan Schachtel @

Don't let Biden WH twist it, local reports from the raid in Syria highlight a total disaster.
-At to the lowest degree x women and children murdered.
-ISIS leader blew himself up earlier he was apprehended.
-US lost a helicopter and was forced to then bomb it.

There's much more than to this story.

Back when Brandon was getting bad headlines over his disastrous Afghan withdrawal, at that place was hastily called drone strike, supposedly targeting the bomb-maker who set off the flop at the Kabul airport gate.

The drone strike did not kill any bomb-maker. It only killed x civilians. They targeted the wrong vehicle.

And then yeah, I remember there'south every reason to suspect that Incorrect-Manner Brandon and his gang of cynical, incompetent operators will order the military to into action where their data is weak or the timing is poor just to change the headlines.

And I don't recollect they care how many children, women, or adult noncombatant men they impale.

The only thing that matters is the 24 hour news cycle. Human lives are literally nada to this crew.

Matt Vespa has more on that "Privilige Walk" students were forced on, where white students were lined up and forced to offering apologies to non-white students.

Your daily reminder that CRT isn't taught in schools, Bigots.

A female-only app chosen "Giggle" is using image analyzing AI to screen out users with male person features.

Which trans women say discriminates against them, which I don't sympathise, because I idea that trans women were women. I thought that was now the Settled Science.

Transgender women slam female person-just social networking app Giggle for using facial recognition software that excludes them - but CEO doubles down and insists that information technology'south not a place for 'men challenge to be women'


The AI Giggle uses for face recognition works by analysing the bone structure of its members, meaning that individuals with masculine features could be prevented from creating an account on the app.

Allegations of transphobia surrounding Giggle first surfaced when the app was created in early 2020.

However, the story has emerged again subsequently LGBTQ+ publication PinkNews approached Grover for comment for an commodity about the controversy.

An unnamed freelance announcer writing for the publication sent a request for comment, asking whether trans women are 'encouraged to join the Giggle app' and whether the outcome of facial recognition would be 'fixed.'

Grover replied to the query, proverb: 'Giggle is a social networking app for females. Males are excluded from the user base. There is no other specific demographic that is excluded from the app other than males.

'No males are encouraged to join Giggle. Giggle is conspicuously stated as existence for females. It would exist lovely, even so, if male people respected female spaces and left them solitary.'

An editor for the publication later asked Grover to 'unequivocally' confirm whether trans women are accepted on Giggle, to which she replied: 'Giggle is an app for females, to connect in a female environment.'

And when asked whether she personally believes trans women to be women, she wrote: ' I can notice no evidence or any female trans women.'

Grover continued: 'I empathize that PinkNews will exist writing an commodity in support of trans women with the belief that they are female, with the specific purpose to condemn Giggle, an app for females.'


Swiss man spends seventy five euros to declare himself legally a adult female, simply to take reward of constabulary that allows women to retire ane year earlier than men, and with higher benefits.

Also #Based.

Proficient Brendan O'Neill slice at the Spectator.

But perchance the near revealing and unsettling affair said by Goldberg was this: 'Only these [were] two white groups of people.' She means the Nazis and the Jews. Both white folk. Then how tin can it accept been about race? Isn't race all about white privilege and black victimhood? Isn't information technology all about the 'white supremacy' and 'white fragility' that contemporary white Americans and Europeans display towards black people in their every interaction? This captures how impoverished and shrivelled the woke gear up's understanding of racism is. They seem to view everything, even history, even the Holocaust, from their own cocky-flattering, highly Americanised, Silicon Valley-approved, 2020s understanding of racism every bit consisting of white arrogance and black hurting and unwitting slights and 'microaggressions' committed by the racially unaware masses. Goldberg was projecting this alarmingly naive and hyper-nouveau view of racism back into history, so that even the Holocaust starts to look confusing because wasn't it white folks on both sides?

Even worse, this view of the Holocaust as a clash between 'two white groups of people' points to where the Jews now appear on the racial measuring dominion of 21st-century wokeness. They're white. That'due south all. In fact they're super white. In the view of some identitarians, the Jews are the most privileged race, the nearly white race, and thus the people with the most to atone for. Check that Jewish privilege. It seems pretty clear now that the woke have been blinded past 'whiteness'. They have go and then obsessed with whiteness every bit a bad matter, as a marker of privilege, as something to be apologised for, that even their view of history has come up to exist distorted. The Jews suffered the worst act of racial hatred in history? But they're white. That doesn't make sense. It tin't be true. You're making it up. The woke view of whiteness as the cause of all the globe'south ills has seriously damaged people'due south ability to understand the problem of anti-Semitism and fifty-fifty to acknowledge what a calamity the Holocaust was.

Will Disney offer Gina Carano her job back? Volition they offering a settlement for their defamation of her?

Punch Out at the Aureate Corral:

Our order is disintegrating. Maybe goose egg tin finish that.

Maybe that'southward necessary now.

Matt Lee, a reporter who does non believe every chip of bullshit the leftwing hulk tells him, is not ownership Deep Stater Ned Cost'due south merits that they take Hot New Intelligence that Russia is going to smuggle in Crisis Actors beyond the border dressed, I guess, in Ukranian uniforms to stage some kind of False Flag event.

Worth watching, just to run into this extremely worm-like individual squirm and plow.

Notation well that this is the level of "intelligence" routinely offered by the government which the media routinely reports as "intelligence" which equally been "declassified" -- it'south literally simply a dweeb saying a sentence, and and then telling you lot, the judgement I but said is declassified intelligence, and now you have that intelligence.

This was all of the "intelligence" they were feeding the "journalists" about Trump. Merely some shit Adam Schiff was maxim, which he'd say, "And this is intelligence."

Posted by: Ace at 06:08 PM



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